I’m not sure. The meaning of PC/anti-sphexishness/heroic-responsibility seems to be a sort of stepping outside of routine and comparing the status quo with the original intrinsicly desirable goals the status quo was supposed to achieve, and taking action to remedy the discrepancies.
You could call this ‘visionary’ or ‘philosophical’ or ‘righteous’ or ‘wise’ but none of them seem right to me—probably why those 3 terms were invented. ‘Enlightened’ comes close but only if you were living 2 centuries ago, because these days ‘enlightened’ is sarcastic or religious in undertones. (That is, figures like Voltaire were ‘enlightened’ but also definitely reminiscent of the 3 terms.)
I’m not sure. The meaning of PC/anti-sphexishness/heroic-responsibility seems to be a sort of stepping outside of routine and comparing the status quo with the original intrinsicly desirable goals the status quo was supposed to achieve, and taking action to remedy the discrepancies.
You could call this ‘visionary’ or ‘philosophical’ or ‘righteous’ or ‘wise’ but none of them seem right to me—probably why those 3 terms were invented. ‘Enlightened’ comes close but only if you were living 2 centuries ago, because these days ‘enlightened’ is sarcastic or religious in undertones. (That is, figures like Voltaire were ‘enlightened’ but also definitely reminiscent of the 3 terms.)